
I have been making hobby indie games since 2009 when I started working with a few co-workers after hours using XNA. I was part of two releases for Xbox 360 (DevilSong and XenoMiner). After those games I moved into LibGDX using Java. Since then I have tried to compete in all of the Ludum Dares. I have also released one LibGDX game on Android and iOS (PixArt).


You can play a very outdated web version here. The web version is an early version of the game. To get the full experience you should download the game on Android Get it on Google Play

Ludum Dare (72 hour game jams) 27 games completed

Ludum Dare 52

Theme: Harvest

Reapo Man: Death Who?

Place in the Jam
Overall: 380
Fun: 273
Innovation: 67
Theme: 274
Graphics: 469
Audio: 103
Humor: 87
Mood: 236

Ludum Dare 51

Theme: Every 10 Seconds

Chromo Trigger

Place in the Jam
Overall: 114
Fun: 73
Innovation: 447
Theme: 286
Graphics: 581
Audio: 151
Humor: 106
Mood: 172

Ludum Dare 50

Theme: Delay the Inevitable


Place in the Jam
Overall: 394
Fun: 722
Innovation: 130
Theme: 163
Graphics: 923
Audio: 201
Humor: 99
Mood: 487

Ludum Dare 49

Theme: Unstable

Banana Republic: Nuclear Power Plantain

Place in the Jam
Overall: 144
Fun: 308
Innovation: 228
Theme: 64
Graphics: 499
Audio: 70
Humor: 12
Mood: 155

Ludum Dare 48

Theme: Deeper and Deeper

Deeper State: Elon Flux

Place in the Jam
Overall: 477
Fun: 491
Innovation: 800
Theme: 797
Graphics: 946
Audio: 388
Humor: 74
Mood: 667

Ludum Dare 47

Theme: Stuck in a Loop

Block Runner 2049

Place in the Jam
Overall: 1186
Fun: 1064
Innovation: 1653
Theme: 1659
Graphics: 810
Audio: 352
Humor: 692
Mood: 882

Ludum Dare 46

Theme: Keep it Alive

In the Flesh

Place in the Jam
Overall: 411
Fun: 386
Innovation: 676
Theme: 1127
Graphics: 755
Audio: 384
Humor: 198
Mood: 843

Ludum Dare 45

Theme: Start with Nothing

Ball of Duty: Special Drops

Place in the Jam
Overall: 37
Fun: 19
Innovation: 94
Theme: 46
Graphics: 185
Audio: 87
Humor: 169
Mood: 315

Ludum Dare 44

Theme: Your Life is Currency

Sofa Kingdom

Place in the Jam
Overall: 178
Fun: 219
Innovation: 340
Theme: 77
Graphics: 210
Audio: 30
Humor: 37
Mood: 85

Ludum Dare 43

Theme: Sacrifices must be made

Ulti-Meme Sacrifice

Place in the Jam
Overall: 58
Fun: 15
Innovation: 359
Theme: 227
Graphics: 297
Audio: 99
Humor: 19
Mood: 154

Ludum Dare 42

Theme: Running out of Space

Kingdoms Fall

Place in the Jam
Overall: 293
Fun: 365
Innovation: 374
Theme: 284
Graphics: 539
Audio: 507
Humor: 785
Mood: 621

Ludum Dare 41

Theme: Combine two incompatible genres

Putt Putt Boom

Place in the Jam
Overall: 125
Fun: 84
Innovation: 161
Theme: 115
Graphics: 501
Audio: 313
Humor: 257
Mood: 398

Ludum Dare 40

Theme: The more you have the worse it is


Place in the Jam
Overall: 174
Fun: 302
Innovation: 224
Theme: 180
Graphics: 333
Audio: 100
Humor: 631
Mood: 361

Ludum Dare 39

Theme: Running out of Power

Musk Hunter

Place in the Jam
Overall: 240
Fun: 73
Innovation: 478
Theme: 268
Graphics: 570
Audio: 270
Humor: 34
Mood: 304

Ludum Dare 38

Theme: A Small World

Higher Ground

Place in the Jam
Overall: 78
Fun: 90
Innovation: 130
Theme: 29
Graphics: 337
Audio: 169
Humor: 493
Mood: 214

Ludum Dare 37

Theme: One Room

What we carry with us

Place in the Jam
Overall: 476
Fun: 747
Innovation: 247
Theme: 427
Graphics: 425
Audio: 401
Humor: 599
Mood: 149

Ludum Dare 36

Theme: Ancient Technology


Ludum Dare 36 had no rating because of hacking on the old site.

Ludum Dare 35

Theme: Shapeshift

Shift 'n Drift

Place in the Jam
Overall: 108
Fun: 189
Innovation: 147
Theme: 15
Graphics: 574
Audio: 296
Humor: 551
Mood: 541

Ludum Dare 34

Theme: Growing

Pyramid Scheme

Place in the Jam
Overall: 156
Fun: 357
Innovation: 321
Theme: 712
Graphics: 520
Audio: 387
Humor: 263
Mood: 348

Ludum Dare 33

Theme: You are the Monster
Sub-theme: Pluto

Goomba Simulator 2015

Place in the Jam
Overall: 59
Fun: 130
Innovation: 129
Theme: 11
Graphics: 684
Audio: 386
Humor: 33
Mood: 78

Ludum Dare 32

Theme: An Unconventional Weapon

Type Fighter

Place in the Jam
Overall: 205
Fun: 183
Innovation: 196
Theme: 301
Graphics: 482
Audio: 517
Humor: 500
Mood: 520

Ludum Dare 31

Theme: Entire Game on One Screen
Sub-theme: ☃

Bar Orders of Magnitude

Place in the Jam
Overall: 914
Fun: 745
Innovation: 572
Theme: 852
Graphics: 894
Audio: 583
Humor: 195
Mood: 758

Ludum Dare 30

Theme: Connected Worlds

Prismatic Worlds

Place in the Jam
Overall: 453
Fun: 499
Innovation: 393
Theme: 548
Graphics: 450
Audio: 204
Humor: 386
Mood: 333

Ludum Dare 29

Theme: Beneath the Surface

Crustacean Farm

Place in the Jam
Overall: 89
Fun: 111
Innovation: 14
Theme: 27
Graphics: 321
Audio: 259
Humor: 292
Mood: 292

Ludum Dare 28

Theme: You only get one

One Ring

Place in the Jam
Overall: 54
Fun: 65
Innovation: 29
Theme: 154
Graphics: 341
Mood: 143

Ludum Dare 27

Theme: 10 Seconds
Sub-theme: Tower Offence

Dragon Rescue

Place in the Jam
Overall: 436
Fun: 501
Innovation: 457
Theme: 572
Graphics: 438
Audio: 226
Humor: 118
Mood: 257

Ludum Dare 26

Theme: Minimalism
Sub-theme: Potato

Golden Age

Place in the Jam
Overall: 282
Fun: 79
Innovation: 428
Theme: 283
Graphics: 282
Audio: 129
Humor: 49
Mood: 124

Ludum Dare Results

Jam Number Game Theme Overall Fun Innovation Theme Graphics Audio Humor Mood
LD 52Reapo Man: Death Who?Harvest3802736727446910387236
LD 51Chromo TriggerEvery 10 Seconds11473447286581151106172
LD 50Ava-launch!Delay the Inevitable39472213016392320199487
LD 49Banana Republic: Nuclear Power PlantainUnstable144308228644997012155
LD 48Deeper State: Elon FluxDeeper and Deeper47749180079794638874667
LD 47Block Runner 2049Stuck in a Loop1186106416531659810352692882
LD 46In the FleshKeep it Alive4113866761127755384198843
LD 45Ball of Duty: Special DropsStart with Nothing3719944618587169315
LD 44Sofa KingdomYour Life is Currency17821934077210303785
LD 43Ulti-Meme SacrificeSacrifices must be made58153592272979919154
LD 42Kingdoms FallRunning out of Space293365374284539507785621
LD 41Putt Putt BoomCombine two incompatible genres12584161115501313257398
LD 40LitterBurgThe more you have the worse it is174302224180333100631361
LD 39Musk HunterRunning out of Power2407347826857027034304
LD 38Higher GroundA Small World789013029337169493214
LD 37What we carry with usOne Room476747247427425401599149
LD 36COOTAncient Technology00000000
LD 35Shift 'n DriftShapeshift10818914715574296551541
LD 34Pyramid SchemeGrowing156357321712520387263348
LD 33Goomba Simulator 2015You are the Monster59130129116843863378
LD 32Type FighterAn Unconventional Weapon205183196301482517500520
LD 31Bar Orders of MagnitudeEntire Game on One Screen914745572852894583195758
LD 30Prismatic WorldsConnected Worlds453499393548450204386333
LD 29Crustacean FarmBeneath the Surface891111427321259292292
LD 28One RingYou only get one546529154341143
LD 27Dragon Rescue10 Seconds436501457572438226118257
LD 26Golden AgeMinimalism2827942828328212949124